What is coaching?


Signs you need a coach:

  • You’re stuck in self-destructive habits

  • Your inner self-talk is negative

  • You want to bolster your self-trust and confidence 

  • You struggle creating boundaries in work and relationships

  • You’re considering a major life change

  • You’re unsure what path to take

  • You have lost your sense of “self”

  • You’ve recently made a major life change or undergone a stressful event

  • You suffer from fear of failure that keeps you from reaching your goals

  • You strive for a joyful, successful, easeful relationship, work and life


What does a life coach do?

A coach encourages and counsels clients on specific professional projects, personal goals and transitions in life.

A coach helps you grow by analyzing your current situation, identifying and removing limiting beliefs and other potential challenges and obstacles you face and devising a custom plan of action designed to help you achieve specific outcomes in want in your life.

A coach will work with you ( like a strong aliance) to:

  • Identify, clarify and create a vision for what you want

  • Encourage self-discovery and growth

  • Nurture and evoke strategies for a plan of action best suited to your goals, personality and vision for your life

  • Foster accountability to ensure success


What are the benefits of having a coach?

Ultimately life coaching allows you to maximise your potential in any area - here are some things we can do together:

  • Identify goals and your vision for preofessional and personal growth

  • Identify and debunk limiting beliefs

  • Attain financial independence

  • Create the lifestyle you dream of

  • Learn to communicate effectively and own your authentic voice

  • Improving relationships and setting boundaries

  • Getting promotions or starting/growing a new business

  • Achieving weight loss and/or fitness goals

  • Support through major life or business transitions

  • Rediscover your sense of “self” and purpose for your life